Mastenbroek Environmental and Ahlmann Nederland supply first new generation Mecalac Greenjob machines to UK IDBs

July 2022 saw the first Mecalac Greenjob 9Mwr machine delivered to the Vale of Pickering IDB.
This machine is equipped with a stage V emission class 2.9 litre Deutz engine and uprated constant flow hydraulics for mowing capability. As well as being supplied with the standard Mecalac digging arm, it is fitted with the Herder Pro mowing arm which gives a working reach of 7.8m from the outside of the wheel to the end of the attachment. The 9Mwr was supplied with Herder flail mower, weed bucket and dredging bucket attachments. During April 2023 the machine had already clocked up 1000 hours.
April 2023 saw the first Mecalac Greenjob 10Mcr machine delivered to the Danvm Drainage Commissioners at Doncaster.
This machine is equipped with a stage V emission class 3.6 litre Deutz engine and uprated constant flow hydraulics for mowing capability. As well as being supplied with the standard Mecalac digging arm, it is fitted with the Herder Pro mowing arm which gives a working reach of 8.3m from the outside of the track to the end of the attachment.
The 10Mcr is also equipped with the Ahlmann pick up to go system, which enables the machine to be transported behind a tractor, negating the need for time consuming, costly low loader moves.
Mastenbroek will be present at the ADA Flood and Water Live event.
On display will be a range of Herder, Conver and Mecalac machinery, including the new Conver all electric C485e mowing boat and Herder 1 self-propelled mowing arm.
For more information about Mastenbroek Environmental, contact:, visit,or call 01205 311313