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Weds 05 - Thurs 06 July 2023
Carrington, Lincolnshire

Working Demonstrations

The working demonstration areas are what make Flood & Water Live special. Having the opportunity to see plant and equipment operating in the field, whether along a watercourse or embankment, is invaluable for both exhibitors and visitors alike.

There are three demonstration areas:

  • Watercourse
  • Raised Embankment, and
  • Field Drainage

Demonstrations by:

Watercourse Demonstrations

Watercourse plots along the Twenty Foot Drain, which runs the length of the exhibition site, can host a variety of machines including excavators, weedboats, amphibious machines, tractor mounted flails, pumps, telemetry and survey equipment, small scale dredging etc.

Raised Embankment Demonstrations

Raised embankment plots on the exhibition site are ideal for demonstrating remote control and slope mowers. These plots offer excellent visibility to the audience when showing offer the functionality and stability of these specialist machines.

Field Drainage Demonstration

Shelton Drainage will be demonstrating their specialist agricultural and amenity drainage equipment in a field plot at the southern end of the exhibition area.

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